Team erminas at the Kart Championship Northwest Cup 2019

erminas beim Kart fahren

Fun comes first at the Oldenburg Kart Championship, which took place for the eighth time this year as the Northwest Cup 2019! And of course we were there again as Team erminas when our colleagues from Schmidt + Berner invited us! We ended up in the top ten of the first group! Gib hier deine […]

erminas Meet Up: Chocolate and machine learning

We actually wanted to explain to Oldenburg digitization beginners about data mining and machine learning and discuss what can be done with this data to create value. However, this erminas Meet Up developed into an illustrious panel of experts with competent guests and a wide range of topics. Gib hier deine Überschrift ein Our Meet […]

Knowledge Day: Oldenburg SPD for digitization

If we want support for digitization from politicians, we as digitization professionals must support politicians in being able to deal with the issues in an expert manner. High profile visit to erminas That’s why we had a visit from the Oldenburg SPD at the erminas headquarters: SPD member of parliament Dennis Rohde, Oldenburg SPD members […]