Virtual reality for your company

In today’s dynamic business world, innovation is the key to success.
With our VR solutions, companies can create immersive virtual environments that revolutionize both efficiency and the customer experience.

Virtual reality at a glance

erminas develops customized VR environments for companies looking for modern and interactive solutions.
Our expertise spans numerous industries and applications, enabling us to offer the right VR solution for every requirement.

We analyze your needs and develop individual VR environments that not only increase productivity, but also offer new opportunities for training, product presentations and virtual collaboration.
Our solutions enable you to develop innovative business models and gain a competitive advantage.

Regardless of whether you are still looking for potential for the use of VR or already have a concrete vision: With our in-depth technological and industry knowledge, we can create the perfect virtual environment for your company.

VR Use Case: HSU University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

For the Helmut Schmidt University (HSU), we have developed a virtual industrial hall that simulates the possibilities of the university’s 5G network in Unity.
The VR application makes it possible to control machines in the virtual environment via real emergency stop switches and offers comprehensive monitoring of network communication via a specially developed dashboard.
Find out in our reference how we created a realistic simulation environment by using Meta Quest VR goggles and integrating innovative technologies.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about our Industrial IoT solutions? We will gladly try to provide you with information in advance. Maybe your question is already answered. Otherwise, you can of course contact us at any time.

How realistic can VR experiences be?

VR allows you to create realistic scenarios for training and testing that have a similar effect on the body as real situations.
The effect of virtual reality (VR) is impressive once you have experienced it for yourself.
VR experiences can be very realistic and have similar effects on users as real experiences.
Particularly interesting is the ability to realistically simulate stressful situations in different contexts and evoke similar physical reactions as in real scenarios.

Van Dammen et al.
conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of stress reactivity in VR. They found that VR stress tests are applicable across different populations and can elicit a broad stress response. The stress responses in VR were comparable to those in real-life stress situations. This makes VR a valuable tool for training and research in areas such as education, professional development and stress management.

How long does it take to implement a VR solution in an industrial environment?

The implementation time depends heavily on the respective use case.
We use an agile approach based on Scrum, which gives you a testable product at the end of each iteration that is continuously developed further.
This approach allows you to provide feedback and make adjustments at an early stage.

As VR developments are often more complex than traditional app projects, implementation can take longer.
Nevertheless, you benefit from the continuous transparency in the course of the project and the opportunity to actively shape the end product.
It is important that you are prepared for a somewhat slower pace, but this is more than compensated for by the quality and innovation of the final product.
With a customized VR solution, you position yourself as a pioneer in your industry and benefit from the investment in the long term.

What do you need to bring my systems and devices into VR?

To realize scenarios, we need 3D models of your systems and devices as well as information about how they move.
Together, we can create a unique experience for your target group.

Which devices can I use on my shop floor?

Mixed reality applications are suitable for direct use on the shop floor. Mixed reality applications offer the possibility of integrating real-time data into the real environment on the store floor, enabling operators to make better decisions. Meta Quest can be used for this purpose. However, unlike the HoloLens 2 Industrial Edition, it does not have UL Class I, Division 2 certification or ISO 14644-1 Class 5-8, which are required for potentially explosive atmospheres in the USA or for cleanroom environments.

On the other hand, the Meta Quest offers a better display of content and costs only a quarter to an eighth of the HoloLens.

What security measures need to be considered when using VR in connection with IIoT?

A VR headset is a device that is used in IT networks and connects to the Internet.
It should therefore be integrated into an OT network in accordance with the usual security measures.
It is important that proven security protocols, such as the separation of IT and OT networks, are implemented.
However, common protection mechanisms such as VPN and similar security solutions can be used on the Meta Quest.

How flexible is VR if my requirements change over time?

Changes in requirements are frequent with modern solutions that break new ground.
At erminas, we know this from many years of experience.
That’s why our software development projects are based on Scrum and the agile corridor concept.
This allows us to react flexibly to such changes.
What counts for us is the delivered result.
With our agile approach, we ensure that your VR solution can be adapted to new requirements at any time so that you remain flexible in the long term.

Did you use the Apple Vision Pro?

We chose the MetaQuest because it supports both VR and mixed reality applications and offers an excellent balance between performance and cost.
We believe that there will be many more mixed reality applications for our customers in the future.
We have therefore evaluated both platforms for our mixed reality applications.

We examined the specifications and programming capabilities of both devices and found no significant difference in the capabilities of the MetaQuest and the Apple Vision Pro.
While the Apple Vision Pro may offer a better display, it does not offer any significant advantages in terms of interaction with different rooms and the environment.
Just out of curiosity, we would like to try out the device and then share our experiences.

Do you need more information about our VR solutions?

We will be happy to advise you in various ways on our products and their possible applications in your company. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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We will also be happy to provide you with the necessary information by e-mail. Just write us your requirements.

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